How the Akashic Records Can Help You Manifest 

If you are familiar with manifestation and the Law of Attraction, you likely understand that in order to manifest what you want, you have to focus on aligning your energy with what you want to attract. 

For example, if you want to attract more abundance into your life, start by feeling and believing that you are abundant. 

It’s quite simple and many people have success with manifesting things this way. However, if you’ve ever struggled to manifest what you want, it’s not because there is something wrong with you. When you experience blocks and resistance around manifesting, consider it a sign that there are deeper underlying patterns to resolve first and the Akashic Records are a wonderful resource for doing just that. 

What Makes Manifesting Easy?

Often, when we manifest something, the gap between where we are and what we want to manifest might be quite small – for example, you want to manifest a great parking spot. You’ve had a great parking spot in the past, and your mind is open to playing with magic and fun in this way. 

Plus the stakes for manifesting a parking spot are quite low — it’s more a fun game than a serious life-altering experience. So, you can easily believe and align yourself with the feeling that you’ll manifest a great parking spot.  There are no sticky patterns or attachments stopping you. And bingo! There’s your great parking spot. 

What Makes Manifesting Hard?

However, let’s say you’re manifesting something that is a much bigger stretch — getting out of debt, when you’ve been plagued by debt for years, always feeling broke and struggling to pay your bills. 

The debt and financial troubles you’ve been carrying around are a symptom of bigger underlying issues — entrenched patterns, painful wounding, even old vows or soul contracts that you undertook in another lifetime. 

As such, it can be very hard to manifest your way out of this through the usual techniques of affirmations, visualizations, scripting, or journaling. 

That’s not to say it’s impossible or that all big manifestations require profound healing. Some people DO have success this way. However, they are usually compensating for healing these underlying issues through the application of a LOT more energy — in other words, through a lot of hard work. However, this energy of “swimming against the current” often leads to depletion and burnout when it’s sustained for long periods of time. 

Your Akashic Records Hold Healing Information

This is where the Akashic Records come in. Within the Akashic Records, you can access a whole new level of awareness and understanding about why you keep attracting more and more debt. You can move beyond trying to treat the symptoms (which looks like working harder to make more money, restricting your spending, staying on that financial hamster wheel and running faster and faster), and instead move into dealing with the deeper patterns at play.  

Awareness is the very first step in healing these patterns, which are ultimately here for you to learn and grow from. Once you become aware of the patterns, you begin to increase your understanding of how, where and why they are showing up in your life, actions, behaviors, habits, thoughts, beliefs, and relationships. 

From here, it becomes much easier to work with the pattern to unravel the energy held within it and heal the pattern. This frees up energy to transform and align with what you truly desire, so that you can more easefully bring it into your life.